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2 year card with High Blood Pressure?

On August 16th the FMCSA had a question and answer webinar. Below is some of the info discussed as heard by this Utah DOT physical examiner:

1. The FMCSA is releasing a new medical examiner handbook, but not until a new Chief Medical Officer is hired.

2. FMCSA is no longer supporting the old examiner handbook from 2014.

3. Hearing, vision, insulin use and epilepsy appear to be the only specific conditions examiners need to follow.

4. Hypertension criteria is not required anymore. The medical examiner is to determine risk for incapacitation/impairment on a case by case decision. People with a long term treatment of blood pressure that has been well controlled can get a 2 year medical card now.

5. Methadone is not absolutely disqualifying. Risk is to be determined by medical examiner.

6. We were told to consider the 2016 MRB recommendation and the 2015 Sleep Apnea Bulletin when assesing drivers with OSA.

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