DOT medical exams are $75. This is the place to have your DOT physical in Ogden, UT. Dr. Jeff Clayton is a certified medical examiner (National registry #6624776704). After May 21, 2014 DOT medical exams can only be performed by certified examiners. We are willing to bill insurance companies and refund your money after we receive payment from your insurance company or we can give you all the paperwork to get reimbursed from your insurance company. Let us show you how simple it can be to get you DOT medical card in Ogden, UT.
Same day appointments are available most days. Same day appointments are almost always available. Be sure to call (801)621-1668 to set up an appointment or verify we have time for a same day. We are located at 5685 . 1475 E., Suite 2a South Ogden, UT 84403.
Dr. Clayton drove commercial vehicles to help pay for school. He understands how important passing your DOT physical can be. He works with drivers in any way possible to ensure they can continue to drive. He also understands that sometime we put things off until the last minute, and that is why he offers same day appointments. He is willing to accommodate late and early patients when possible.
What will I need for the DOT physical?
Medical records for any conditions that you have.
Hearing aids or glasses if needed.
Any waivers/exemptions you have.
Drink lots of water since we need to do a urinalysis (Not a drug test).
Bring a list of all medications you are taking and name of prescribing doctor.
Sleep Apnea- Copy of your latest sleep test.
Driver’s license and current medical card if you have one.
What is the DOT medical exam like?
You will fill out the health questionnaire on the DOT physical form.
Dr. Clayton will review your history.
The medical exam has 5 different sections.
Vision test.
Hearing test.
Blood pressure.
Urinalysis (not a drug test)
Physical exam- general appearance, eyes, ears, mouth throat, heart, lungs, abdomen, vascular, genito-urinary, extremities, spine and neurological.